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Michael Schmidt, violin

Michael Schmid received his first violin lessons at the age of 5. Four years later, he has been invited by Prof. Conrad von der Goltz to join the national advanced placement class for musically highly gifted talents, including a full state scholarship for his musical education. After graduation Michael continued studying violin at the renowned University Mozarteum Salzburg, University of Music and Performing Arts Munich und University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, with Prof. Ingolf Turban, Prof. Christian Altenburger and members of the Hagen String Quartet. Furthermore he regularly had been invited to masterclasses with top soloists like Leonidas Kavakos and Christian Tetzlaff. Michael Schmid is prize winner of various music competitions (e.g. international Johannes- Brahms competition and national German music competition „Jugend musiziert). Invitations to renown music festivals followed (e.g. Kronberg Academy Festival) as well as appearances as a soloist and chamber musician in concert halls like Brahmssaal, Musikverein Vienna and recital hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam. In 2018 Michael appeared as a soloist with Alban Berg ́s violin concerto „To the memory of an Angel“. As an orchestra musician, Michael Schmid has been a regular guest in world famous orchestras like Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and became a member of Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden in 2017.

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